Postmedia 2.0

Once a decision was made to update all of Postmedia’s web properties – Ottawa Citizen got the approval to go ahead with its redesign plans. Our editorial departments are always busy and short on time. Thereby, one of our major undertakings was to create an easier, more efficient way for them to publish, edit and manage the site pages.

A new tool (Outfits) was envisioned, designed and created – a tool which allows the editors a fine tune control over content placement. All they have to do is chose a specific Outfit (a predefined arrangement of content blocks) and specify which posts will go where. Outfits were designed as a modular system. It allows for an easier creation of new layouts and modifications on old once.

Upon Outfits completion it was a big success. Currently it is operating on majority of Postmedia’s properties such as: Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette, The Province, Driving, The Windsor Star,, etc.

  • conception & design
  • responsive site
  • promotional items
  • signage & booth design